Hi this forum has been very helpful in the past and I am currently stuck on formatting the color of one cell based on different criteria of another cell.

Here are the details.

If C22 is +0.01 to +0.50 cell B22 is Green
If C22 is -0.01 to -0.30 cell B22 is Yellow
If C22 is equal to or greater than +0.51 cell B22 is Red
If C22 is equal to or greater than -0.31 cell B22 is Red (Here I am saying that if C22 is -0.31 or -0.38 or -0.41, not sure if a larger negative number is greater than or less than.)

That's it. I have been successful at changing cell C22 to these colors but now that I am trying to change adjacent cells based on C22 values, I can't seem to do it.

Thanks for your help and insight.