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VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH with multiple column index numbers

  1. #1
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    VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH with multiple column index numbers

    I am trying to look up the value to the right of a name. Normally I would use VLOOKUP but there are twelve different columns where the name could be. This also means there are twelve possible columns for the return value.

    What I have tried so far is the below. This was just to see if it would work for two columns. If it did I was planning to nest it 12 times. "draft" is my name for the entire table it would be searching in.

    =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A3,draft,Draft!$C$1,FALSE)),VLOOKUP(A3, draft,Draft!$F$1),VLOOKUP(A3,draft,Draft!$C$1,FALSE))

    Of course that didn't work so would appreciate any advice.

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor loginjmor's Avatar
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    Re: VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH with multiple column index numbers

    Hi -

    It's hard to really tell what you're doing from a verbal description. Attached is a spreadsheet that does what I think you're describing. It has an array of names and values spread across Columns A:F and Rows 1:4. Cell I1 has the name I'm searching for. Cell I2 contains this formula:


    as you change the name in cell i1, INDEX returns the value immediately to the right of the name. To go to 12 columns, just increase the ranges.

    Hope this helps.
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