Apologies in advance as this is my first post and I am a novice in regards to excel functionality.
Some background: I am a research coordinator and part of our job requires that we keep track of what dates participants come in for their visits as well as making sure that we have each person scheduled for an upcoming visit. Our current system involves cross referencing our running excel spreadsheet of participant visits against third party software that tracks the 'visit window' for each participant, the range of dates that are acceptable for the visit to occur. This process is quite time consuming and I am looking for an alternative. In the past I have used date functions to predict the target visit date for a particular participant as well as conditional formatting to change the color of a cell to indicate one thing or another. I was hoping to combine these two functions to
indicate how close the current date is to the projected target date and use a changing cell color to visually cue the user that the target date is approaching or has passed.
In my mind, there would be a single cell that would change color, say green to yellow to red, depending on if a certain cell had a date in it that met certain date range criteria, i.e. green would indicate that the target date is +15 days away, yellow would indicate the target date is +/- 3 days and red would indicate the target date is -15 days past.
So my issue is that I don't know how to create this function or if it is at all possible. An additional problem is that this would need to be repeated for multiple cells that all meet different date range criteria, i.e. the date range would vary depending on the which visit they were attending (seen as columns with headers Quarterly 1,2,3 etc. and Annual in the attached spreadsheet).
I realize that this is complex and I'm sure I've failed in the explanation at some point. Any assistance that someone could lend would be much appreciated.