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Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

  1. #1
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    Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    Hi all,

    I have a problem with dates in my Excel-report and I'm hoping you can help me.

    The system I draw reports from presents the system dates like this in the application itself: 24/01/17 - which is fine, however, when I print a report or copy the data to Excel, Excel somehow views the data as missing 2-digits.
    This causes = 24/01/17 to become 2024-01-17. Also there are dates like 31/05/13 that becomes 1931-05-13.

    I'm told that this is due to some settings on my laptop, however I do not want to change any settings at all on the hardware as the problem above only exists in 1 report out of almost 60.
    How can I resolve the problem in Excel, with a formula?

    Thanks in advance!


  2. #2
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    Your system is holding the data in one way (YYYY MM DD) and displaying it another way (DD MM YY)

    How are you copying the information from your system and how are you pasting into Excel?
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert avk's Avatar
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    Problem for system date format. You can do as per below.
    > Go to Start
    > Click on "Control Panel"
    > Open "Regional and language options"
    > In Regional options : Clcik on "Customize" > Click on "Date" tab & change as in "short date format" : dd/MMM/yyyy
    and "long date format" : dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
    Clcik on "apply" & "ok"


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  4. #4
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    Ah OK. Well, the system produces a report in .CSV format. Normally we just save the report as an .xlsx locally and go to work with the data, so no copying as such is done, I kind of "get what I get" from the system. There is no view in which I could copy the data straight from they delivering system unfortunately.

    AVK, Yes, I was told to do so by others as well, however, this is exactly what I don't want to, as my other 58 reports which have for me the correct format on date, will then have the above described issue. To add to this, we generally can't change these settings on our laptops either - company policy. Thanks for replying though
    Last edited by Fred Johs; 02-01-2017 at 07:48 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    Please attach the .csv file - I would like to see the original format before it comes into Excel and before anybody does anything to it. Perhaps you can run a short report without any confidential data - make sure the "dates" are ones that cause you the problem.

    If that is not possible then attach the .xlsx file with "XXX" instead of text

    Last edited by kev_; 02-01-2017 at 09:57 AM.

  6. #6
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    I have attached a .csv file (report) as mentioned.
    Last edited by Fred Johs; 02-02-2017 at 06:07 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    If you open the .csv file with Notepad these are the values

    Company,SHP Date,LD Date

    So the problem is in how the data was exported to the .csv file

    There are 3 choices:
    1) BEST SOLUTION: fix the problem when data exported from system to .csv
    2) ALTERNATIVE1 write VBA routine to convert the data
    3) ALTERNATIVE2 use a formula to convert the data

    When the data is in Excel, Excel is changing the text into a number. All dates are held as numbers.
    Excel sees 16/02/2003 as 37668
    Excel sees 03/02/2016 as 42403

    Are you able to ask somebody to fix the .csv file?
    This problem is happening when the .csv file is being created.
    I think someone has made an error that could be fixed

  8. #8
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    I see. I had a suspicion that the system as such was at fault as other reports are coming out fine. The thing is, making changes to this application is an issue, it will most likely take a very long time if they choose to make any corrections. So, I would really appreciate the alternate solutions to this issue. That would help a great deal.

  9. #9
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    This solution assumes that all the "BAD" dates are between 01/01/2000 and 31/12/2999

    Dates in Excel are simply numbers formatted a special way.
    The "number" held by Excel is incorrect and so when formatted as a date is giving the incorrect date.
    So we need to find a way to re-calculate the number.

    Here is one way to convert:

    "BAD" date is in B2
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    For consistency I have treated "month" like "year" & "day" - but of course the month is correct in either format!

    The formula
    - formats what Excel treats as the "year" as 2 digit text (= DAY)
    - formats the "month" as 2 digit text (= MONTH)
    - formats what Excel treats as the "day" as 2 digit text (= YEAR with 2 digits)
    - inserts "20" before those 2 digits (= YEAR with 4 digits)
    - feeds those values into the Date function
    Formula: copy to clipboard
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  10. #10
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    Excel also seems happy with
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    Late EDIT
    And you can format in any date format you want, because the result is a number
    Last edited by kev_; 02-01-2017 at 05:57 PM.

  11. #11
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    If this is a regular problem you will need to keep putting adding the formula every time you receive a .csv (tedious??)

    If you want a VBA solution to run against the .csv file I will need some more information
    - which Columns need converting
    - which row does the data start (not the Headings)
    - are there any values other than dates in those columns?

  12. #12
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    Thanks Kev_ your solution works great. I've managed to get the formula into a macro as well, so now the reports are being converted easy.

    Thanks again for the quick response and support!


  13. #13
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    Re: Date conversion - Excel presents system report date incorrectly

    It was very kind of you not to point out my exaggerated claim
    This solution assumes that all the "BAD" dates are between 01/01/2000 and 31/12/2999
    - I am sure you noticed that the solution is only good until 2099.
    Glad your problem is resolved and that you have converted the formula to VBA.
    Thanks for the reps

    Below is VBA solution where values in Columns B,C,G & H are errant dates - starting in row2
    The VBA overwrites the original values with the correct values.
    The macro (as written) needs to be run from the sheet containing the values.

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