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Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

  1. #1
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    Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    Hi all,

    I am trying to calculate a total rental cost based on monthly seasonal rates, for example the pick up date may be 4 days before the end on the April rate and the drop off 20 days into the May rate.

    I believe I could do this in a long winded way using VBA but I am sure it could be achieved through a formula which at present defeats me.

    So the daily rate for April might be 10 and the daily rate for May 12 so in the example I used would give a total of 280.

    In the worksheet I would enter the pickup date and drop off date, the rates would be maintained on another sheet.

    Thanks in advance, I sure this is simple enough for someone more expert than I and I look forward to learning from the principle.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

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  3. #3
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    Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    Thanks etaf

    The cels are commented with what I am trying to achieve.

    Really not good at working with dates so just need to know how to look up the rate table for the appropriate number of days.
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    you are showing 9 days in January and using the dayrate * 9
    BUT you are also showing a weekly rate, when does the weekly rate apply ?
    what would typically be the maximun rental period
    could it be Sep/Oct/Nov and so three rates are applicable or more months

  5. #5
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    Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    Typically I would apply the day rate up to 6 days, 7 days to 28 days would be the weekly rate and I would like to add a monthly rate over that period.

    With the rates varying from month to month due to demand I didn't want to complicate things to much at this point. If I could even get the calculation to apply the daily rate for the applicable days where the period straddles months of different rates then that would be a start. I don't understand how to have the formula lookup the rate table and extract that information for that calculation at present.

    If I can progress to the stage of using IF for different time spans and take into account different monthly rates then I would be a very happy bunny

  6. #6
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    Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    deleted duplicate message

  7. #7
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    i have setupthe calcs - in a progressive way - across columns I to O
    in O is the calc

    i have not included the return day - so thats easyto change and just add i

    this only works across 1 month
    and is a bit clunky

    have a look and see if its near what you need

    look at the days calc - and check - do you charge for day1 and the last day?

    i have also changed the table to have a date - so you can lookup

    it will need 2018,19 etc added , as it is year dependant

    I suspect a sumproduct() would be a better solution, but not sure how to setup
    OR even some Helper Columns may assist - to flag if a week, or a month- and then broken down a bit like i have done
    to calculate the combined value - in fact that maybe a better way to go , on reflection
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    Last edited by etaf; 01-25-2017 at 02:15 PM.

  8. #8
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    Thumbs up Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    Wayne, thank you so much for your suggestions, your formulas give me something to build on and that is what I wanted rather than someone to do the job for me.

    Thanks again

  9. #9
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Calculate rental spanning different seasonal rental rates

    you are welcome, thanks for the rep

    you could use a helper column to find the number of weeks - in case this helps at all

    INT( (c3-b3)/7 ) - gets the complete weeks
    MOD ( (c3-b3), 7) - gives you the remainder days

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