Well, since you're asking ....
I'd throw away the setup that forces you to use a formula like that in the first place, and I would definitely not spike up this formula with indirect.
Although you could, e.g. put the sheet name "EPL" into A1 and then replace each instance of EPL!A:A with indirect(A1&"!A:A") -- adjust columns as required.
I'd probably re-organise the architecture of the workbook. Whenever I read something like "I have one sheet for each team/month/year/product/category" my alarm bells go off. That architecture edits data in a report. You are facing the problems you get when you want to consolidate multiple reports (i.e. sheets) into one "master" report.
If at all possible, try to put all raw data into one sheet. Just one. You may have to add a column for the team name.
Then you can build a report on one (as in one) other sheet, where you pull data from the raw data sheet with the help of pivot tables and/or formulas. Use filters and/or slicers to select a specific team or don't filter and see the report for all items.
You may actually need another report sheet that has a summary of the total values, whereas the team report concentrates more on details per team.
Just throwing that in there as food for thought.
cheers, teylyn