I need to create a variance on the attached spreadsheet. There are 5 columns involved in this calculation as follows:
The LOE, BEG and BUG columns will be used along with the EAC to come up with a variance.
If there is a number greater than "0" in the LOE column, number in the EAC column will be subtracted from the number in the LOE column.
If there is a number greater than "0" in the BEG column and a "0" in both the BUG and LOE columns, number in the EAC column will be subtracted from the number in the BEG column
If there is a number greater than "0" in the BUG column and a "0" in both the BEG and LOE columns, number in the EAC column will be subtracted from the number in the BUG column
Exception to the rules above:
If there is a number greater than "0" in either the BUG or BEG column and a number greater than "0" in the LOE column, the number in the EAC column will be subtracted from the number in the LOE column.
LOE column is "0">BEG column is 2000>BUG column is "0">EAC is 4000 - Variance would show 2000 (difference between BUG and EAC)
LOE column is 5000>BUG column is 7500>EAC 4000 - Variance would show 1000 (difference between LOE and EAC) - Essentially any # (greater than "0") appearing in LOE column will override any number (greater than "0" appearing in either BEG or BUG column)
BUG column is "0">BEG column is 2000>LOE column is "0">EAC is 8000 - Variance would show 6000 (difference between BEG and EAC)