I have an excel spreadsheet with multiple tabs.

The first tab name is: '01-06-17 Details'

The fourth tab I am working on is named: '2017-01-11 to Review'.

Tab '01-06-17 Details' has the following columns:
iPaas Developer | Dell Boomi ID | IT SME

The '2017-01-11 to Review' tab has the field: Dell Boomi ID and I would like to bring IT SME into this spreadsheet.

When I try the following VLook up formulas nothing happens. I do not even get an error message:

=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A2,'01-0617 Details'!A:C,3,FALSE),"No Match")
=VLOOKUP(A5,'01-06-17 Details'!A2:C230,3,TRUE)

Any help would be appreciated.