Good day,
I am building an inventory workbook of sorts where I am using an array formula to analyze and return rows of data based on criteria in a single column. Because this inventory must cover an entire year of business, it must analyze 6000+ rows in a single query. This of course causes my workbook to bog down badly. Not helping the matter is the fact that I have several other similar array formula pulling separate queries for each. I am aware of the option of using a "helper column". In "helper column" examples that I have seen, they seem to be performing a necessary calculation (previously within the array), thereafter using smaller array to do the rest. My problem is that in my case, I don't see what calculation could be extracted and performed outside of the array. Hoping I might receive some guidance from anyone able to read this.
Helper column fx: ????
Thanks in advance for your time and input.
Peter H.
Virginia, USA