I am creating a spreadsheet that tracks when specific cleaning tasks are performed. The spreadsheet will have columns numbered 1-365 corresponding to each day of the year (1=January 1st). Each task will have a specific frequency for which it should be performed. The employee will input their initials in the cell corresponding to the task and date that they complete a task. Shown below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Area/Location Frequency West Cooler Weekly SS SS
I need a way to keep running counts of the amount of times that the task was completed on time and the amount of times that it was not. I will use these counts to calculate on-time completion percentages for given tasks over the course of the months/year.
My initial thought is to create a formula that counts the number of blank cells between two cells containing values, in a given row. Using a weekly frequency for example, any instance of >6 consecutive blank cells between 2 cells containing initials indicates that the task was not completed on time. Is there a way to do this such that the formula scans an entire row and returns a count of the total number of instances where there were >6 consecutive blank cells? Likewise, I would need to keep a running total of the number of instances where there were <=6 blank cells between two cells containing initials (task completed on time). All help is much appreciated!