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Conditional formatting: Changing colors of cells based on reference cell values

  1. #1
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    Question Conditional formatting: Changing colors of cells based on reference cell values


    I have a sheet With several columns, from A to L, for various numbers, F and L which are important for what I want to do. The range is from 5 to about 200.

    In column F, I have my starting point, and I use column L as a "final result" column. I have a basic formula duplicated in the range of column L, to compare it to F, however it takes LOTS of time to do this manually.

    Apologies if the References to formatting functions and such doesn't sound right (I use a Norwegian install of 365).

    Here is what I have done so far With conditional formatting:

    *I basically used "Cell value EQUALS", and put in the entire range of the column to color the entire L-range green, if it is a match to F, of course this happens on a per cell basis (I also added a rule to ignore blanks).
    *I used "Cell value NOT EQUAL TO" in order to color the entire L-range yellow, if it is not a match to F, still on a per cell basis. *****The first thing I would like to do, is to change this so that the coloring only happens if the values I'm comparing is within +/- 1% of the Reference value in F, but not an exact match.
    ***Secondly, I would like to change the color of the range to red if the difference is greater than +/-1%.

    I know I can do it for each cell, I'm wondering if I can make a rule for the entire column to save lots of time. (will also help in the event of future updates to the sheet.

    Hope this isn't too confusing.


  2. #2
    Forum Guru TMS's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional formatting: Changing colors of cells based on reference cell values

    You would probably use a formula rather than "cell value equals"

    Suggest you post a sample workbook.
    Trevor Shuttleworth - Retired Excel/VBA Consultant

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  3. #3
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Conditional formatting: Changing colors of cells based on reference cell values

    yes you can write some rules for those conditions and tolerances

    L has to be +/- 1% of F

    assuming row starts at 2

    then a conditional formatting rule would be

    OR(L2 < F2*0.99, L2 > F2*1.01)

    tobe outside the 1% range

    then a 2nd rule to be within the range - and different colour

    And(L2 >= F2*0.99, L2 <= F2*1.01)

    if you post a sample of the data
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