How do you extract the number from this cell using =ISNUMBER (value)?
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How do you extract the number from this cell using =ISNUMBER (value)?
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Experience: 1
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Experience: 4
Experience: 5
could u please provide a sample file with desired output
Thanks - Naveed
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ISNUMBER() will only return a TRUE/FALSE value so for the examples youve quoted ISNUMBER would always return FALSE as the cell is a string.
If you're wanting to extract the numbers from a String ie return the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5 for the 5 cells respectively then you'll need a much more complicated formula than ISNUMBER()
Heres one I found when I last tried this, its an Array formula so needs to be entered with Ctrl-Shift-Enter
Be warned though if there is a combination of letters & numbers then it will concat all of the numbers together![]()
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123ABC4DE567 will return 1234567
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With Experience: 1 in cell A1, type in B1 =VALUE(MID(A1,12,20))
The 20 in the B1 is big enough to let you have lots of Experiences!
You know when you spend ages looking for an overcomplicated method when the obvious one is staring you in the face?
Well thats me and this one.
I would have done it slightly different but the logic is the same sensible, simple one that A.Clubb posted
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