Waited for a while to see if 'another pair of eyes' could spot something that I can't.
The only thing that I can see, which is probably trivial, is that the formula in Export Tab!I8:I9 isn't the same as in I4:I7.
I am left to guess that you would like the Export Tab!I9:L9 to be filled with the values from Accounts!N9:Q9. Seems that the reason that doesn't happen is that Accounts!S8 = Accounts!S9 and the formula in Export Tab column A precludes that type of duplication.
There may be something that I am missing, if so please provide the information.
To me it seems the issue is about logic, as in another differentiating factor needs to be added to the values in column S of the Accounts sheet. Unfortunately I don't know enough about the workbook to offer a suggestion as to how that issue could be addressed.