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Index Match Functions - Duplication of Text

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    Index Match Functions - Duplication of Text

    I am currently having an issue with some data that I am using. I am using the index and match functions to automatically filter some information that I am working with. However my challenge is due to the duplication of variables in the source information; which the index and match formula do not account for.

    In reviewing a similar thread I know the Small function assists with duplication, however it's focus is on the duplication of values rather than text.

    What formula can I use that would assist with the duplication of text in the index and match functions? I have attached a sample of the structure of my data, where you can see the formula that I've used.

    Please find the attached file.

    Any assistance is appreciated!
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Livvi; 11-09-2016 at 11:53 AM. Reason: Updated the Excel File

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