Looking for non-array formula to pull values unique values in a range that has duplicate values and then sort. Do not want to use an array formula as the range has over 4,000 values. Values in A2:A8000.
Looking for non-array formula to pull values unique values in a range that has duplicate values and then sort. Do not want to use an array formula as the range has over 4,000 values. Values in A2:A8000.
Are the values text or numeric?
One way to pull unique values without an array formula is to use a helper column (e.g. column H), with a formula like this in H2:
That will give sequential numbers down column H for the first occurrence of a value in column A, so you can pick out those unique values using a formula like this:
Copy this down until you start to get blanks.
Hope this helps.
Pete_UK: formula works like a charm. Need a non-array formula to sort the values in ascending order.
Is there a way this formula =IFERROR(INDEX(A:A,MATCH(ROWS($1:1),H:H,0)),"") could be modified to start from =IFERROR(INDEX(A2:A8000,MATCH(ROWS($1:1),H2:H8000,0)),"")?
Last edited by bjnockle; 10-23-2016 at 01:34 PM.
Pete_UK: As for sorting, the data values are mixture of text and numbers. For example. Apple12, UK55.
The usual way of sorting by formulae is to use the RANK function or the SMALL (or LARGE) function. These all operate on numeric values, so I'm not sure how you would do this with text values.
I am not sure if there is a non-array formula that would extract unique values and sort. However, an array formula can do that
Give this one a try
Assuming your data range is A2:A4000
Your first array formula to count unique values in B$1
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then next array formula that will get the unique records and sort: Enter in B2 and copy down
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***Array formula
...confirmed by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to activate the array, not just ENTER.
You will know the array is active when you see curly braces { } appear around your formula.
If you do not CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER you will get an error or a clearly incorrect answer.
Last edited by AlKey; 10-23-2016 at 05:33 PM.
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--Michel de Montaigne
I did this with all text, and blended the above suggestions in 3 helper columns.
Random U.S. states are in column A with duplicates.
Unique data in column B withFormula:![]()
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Alpha ranked in column C withFormula:![]()
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Rank those ranks in column D withFormula:![]()
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And the final sorted formula in column EFormula:![]()
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It's more steps than an array.
that's great. You can avoid the errors (purely for aesthetic purposes) by using this in C1:
and this in D1:
Hope this helps.
Yes, Pete. Good idea! Thanks for that. I was so surprised that it worked I missed it. LOL
Thank You So much
WOW!! Is that really your first post after joining in November 2003 ?
Hi all,
I need this formula without VBA & Helper columns & Array formula (Ctrl + shift + Enter)
Thank you so much for the help me
my main language is not English
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