Ok, I have a difficult one I think, at least I do not know where to begin with it. Attached is a spreadsheet that I have a master list of part numbers, with their related AADQ's(Adjusted Annual Demand Qty) in the adjacent column. Then in the respective columns after, there are order #'s, order date, part number of the order, and the qty of the order. This is my dilemma, I need to search through the orders to find any part number that has an ordered qty equal to, or greater than 50% of the AADQ of that part number, and, within a months time period. For example, if there were a part number with an AADQ of 10, and there were multiple orders who's qty's are 5 or more, and the orders all fall within a 31 day period, then that part number is entered into the green column.
I have highlighted, in orange, ones that I have done manually, and entered the part number in the green column. If a part number, within a one month period, does not equal or is greater than 50% of the AADQ, then N/A is entered. I have noticed while pouring over all these part numbers, that there are some that are not in the master list, so I am not sure how that will work in any formula. Also, being that there are multiple entries of each part number, perhaps the first step would be to consolidate the part number and add the qty., but needing the date range, I don't know if that possible. I am prepared to do this manually, if there is nothing formula or VBA wise, that can be done, but it would take me weeks and would greatly appreciate any help, as I am a novice in Excel formulas, and am learning from the help I am getting on this forum, so thanks again.