The formula in A3 of Assignment Schedule is intended to show the next assignment I need to work. The assignment with the nearest (to Today) 'Trial Date", with no date in the "Supplement Date" column,
If I understand correctly you want to treat "skipped" the same as "" (empty string).
If that is the case you could try array entering this in A3.
While it behaves differently, it is not returning as
I've attached a test workbook with the formula which should fail if you will do this:
On Data dump, enter today's date in F14, clearing CFT as the next case to work.
Trustees Maritime Assn should show as the next case to work since its Supplement Date is empty, yet you should see the #NA error in A3.
Now, change the date in Data dump B15 to 1/9/2017 and you should see Trustees Maritime as the next case to work in A3.
If instead I also change B15 to today's date A3 returns Trustees Maritime Assn ... which is consistent with the logic of the previous post ...
What am I missing?