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Formula to Return Specific Ranges of Numbers in Order of Frequency

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    Smile Formula to Return Specific Ranges of Numbers in Order of Frequency

    Hello all! I'm back again with a new conundrum.

    I have a variety of numbers in cell range P2:S14. Some of these numbers show up more than once.

    I would like cell U2 to return the most frequently occurring number, from 1-9, from the above-designated range. In cell U3, it would be the 2nd most frequently occurring number, from 1-9 in, that range, etc.

    I need to continue this pattern in cell V2 for #'s 10-19, W2 for #'s 20-29, and so on and so forth.

    So let's say the number 3 shows up 4 times in the P2:S14 range, and the number 7 shows up 3 times. Cell U2 would populate the number 3 while Cell U3 populates the number 7.

    I hope I've painted this clearly enough. Thank you in advance for your help.
    Last edited by runelady; 10-15-2016 at 03:33 PM.

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