Dear all,

I am trying to generate a list of scenario's. It is similar to the problem described in
where you try to make a pizza using several ingredients.

The difference is there are several categories, and in each category several options. For example

- goat cheese
- cheddar cheese
- parmesan cheese

- mushroom
- unions
- peppers

- tomato
- spicy
- bacon

Scenario's would be [tomato, mushroom, goatcheese], [tomato, mushroom, cheddar cheese] and [spicy, mushroom, goat cheese].

You can only select one saus, one vegetable and one cheese. I need to have all the scenario's listed for further use. How do I list all these different scenario's? Is this possible using the formulas? I really prefer not to use VBA or macro as I have never looked into it and don't exactly know what they are.

Thanks in advance!