Hello. I need a little help. It's been bothering me for hours now and I'm out of patience. I need to count how many times Number in Column A is equal to number in Column B. So A1=B1, A2=B2, A3=B3 and so on... I need answer in one cell (I could do it if I would use one more column for example in C1 I would write IF(A1=B1;1;0), C2 IF(A2=B2;1;0) and so on..., but I need more space efficient way now), I tried using COUNTIF(A:A;"="&B:B), COUNTIF(A:A;"=B:B), COUNTIF(A:A;B:B) and so on.. (I use A:A, B:B..., because it's quicker), but it doesn't give me the right number (actually, I get different numbers if I copy the same formula one row lower)..