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lookup with multiple criteria including duplicate dates

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    lookup with multiple criteria including duplicate dates

    Hello honored excel gurus:

    Per attached .xlsx file, I'm trying to populate columns FH through GC, starting at row 4, on the 'output' tab with data from 'sort' tab based on selections in 'output' tab columns A and D, starting at row 4, as well as dates listed from FH1 through GC1.

    In 'output', tickers in column A reference tickers in column B of 'sort' tab; ratio names in column D reference ratio names in F1:BX1 in 'sort' tab; and finally, dates in FH1:GC1 reference dates in column C of 'sort' tab.

    As described, part of the problem is matching horizontal and vertically arranged data. Another problem could be that there duplicate dates in column C of 'sort' tab, which are necessary as tickers in column A of 'sort' tab share FYE dates with other tickers listed. I've tried to eliminate as many duplicates as possible from the larger dataset, so this is as barebones as possible.

    I attempted an array function using Index and Match with multiple criteria; however, only #N/A resulted. I'm not if I did something incorrectly, or if even this is the best method to solve the problem.

    Your suggestions and solutions are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Best regards,
    Attached Files Attached Files

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