I have lines of data on my tab labeled "Import Grades". Of those, there are many of the same person (C1) but with different values attached to their name.
So, Johnny Appleseed could be in C1, C2, C3, and C4, but the values in D1, D2, D3, and D4 will be different.
On another sheet, labeled "Grades", I need the data consolidated to show each of the values of the names from "Import Grades" list. I need it to consolidate if the name is the same and just list it once. So Johnny Appleseed doesn't need to be listed 4 times, just once ("Grades" C1). However, it needs to pull out each time he's listed and put the values from each time in boxes (D1, E1, F1, G1 for example).
I'm eventually going to transfer all the information from the "Grades" sheet to "Grade Sheets."
I've attached an example. Any help is appreciated.