I have data setup (shown in image)
excel test.png

The main idea here is to pick two answers from a drop down and depending on what is chosen a value or values will show in another dropdown. The issue here is this formula does not fit into the data validation list space provided. I can't point the validaion list to a cell because a simple cell cant handle multple answers. In this case only peach and grape will show in the cell because it has only 1 item associated with it.


0,0,1,MATCH("zzz", INDEX(K11:L12,MATCH($C15,J11:J12,0),0))),
IF($C13="Wednesday", OFFSET(INDEX(K16:K17,MATCH($C15,J16:J17,0)),
0,0,1,MATCH("zzz", INDEX(K16:L17,MATCH($C15,J16:J17,0),0))))))
Is there a way to shorten this formula or another way to achieve the desired result?