Hi All!
You guys have been great in the past in helping me learn and succeed. BUT, I have a really good one for you. I am not even sure what I am asking is possible...
I have attached the worksheet. There are two tabs, the first an order sheet, the second with the values I need to auto-fill into the order sheet based on column headers.
Each order broken down by Style #, Color #, size, and quantities on the second tab. The quantities need to auto fill in the the sheet highlighted in green area.
The sizes are broken down into a key based on the values in column K.
Example style 1698181 sizes are in row 10. So if I wanted to order 33 pieces of 1698181 in color 378 in size xxs then cell L12 should show 33 as the value.
I am assuming there is some vlookup code you guys could write, and man if it is even possible I would die to see this one solved.
Sorry if I over explained it a bit, any help would be greatly appreciated. I have titled the worksheet, The Enigma