I need one cell to work out the value in sterling based on the currency a deal was done in.
I've imported exchange rates from X-rates.com, no problem there, but need
e.g. (sorry, can't seem to upload excel sheet for some reason.)

G4: Amount due exc. VAT = 1000
H4: Net Commission = 20% of G4
I4: Currency = £/$/EUR
J4: Net Commision in Sterling = THIS IS WHERE I NEED A FORMULA

I've got as far as "=IF(I4="$", (H4*[Cell ref for US Currency rate, OP knows where that is!])" but then I'm stuck with what to do. Formula needs to say if I4 is $, US rate, if it's EUR, EUR rate etc.

If the argument is FALSE i.e. if the deal was in £, then leave Net Commission...

Any help MASSIVELY appreciated, thanks in advance.