this routine will render your desired results...
Assuming that you are new to VBA (visual basic macros) to run the routine :
1. goto to the view tab
2. select the macro
3. click run
Sub urgent() Set sh1 = Sheets("Urgent") r2 = 3 For s = 2 To Sheets.Count r = 3 Set sh2 = Sheets(s) While sh2.Cells(r, 2) <> "" If Trim(sh2.Cells(r, 3)) = "Urgent" Then sh1.Cells(r2, 2) = sh2.Name sh1.Cells(r2, 3) = sh2.Cells(r, 2) r2 = r2 + 1 End If r = r + 1 Wend Next s End Sub