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Gale Shapley matching (Stable Marriage problem)

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    Forum Expert snb's Avatar
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    Re: Gale Shapley matching (Stable Marriage problem)

    now more dictionary oriented (this is exemplary why/when you should use dictionaries)

    Sub M_snb()
       sn = Split("abe abi eve cath ivy jan dee fay bea hope gay _bob cath hope abi dee eve fay bea jan ivy gay _col hope eve abi dee bea fay ivy gay cath jan _dan ivy fay dee gay hope eve jan bea cath abi _ed jan dee bea cath fay eve abi ivy hope gay _fred bea abi dee gay eve ivy cath jan hope fay _gav gay eve ivy bea cath abi dee hope jan fay _hal abi eve hope fay ivy cath jan bea gay dee _ian hope cath dee gay bea abi fay ivy jan eve _jon abi fay jan gay eve bea dee cath ivy hope", "_")
       sp = Split("abi bob fred jon gav ian abe dan ed col hal _bea bob abe col fred gav dan ian ed jon hal _cath fred bob ed gav hal col ian abe dan jon _dee fred jon col abe ian hal gav dan bob ed _eve jon hal fred dan abe gav col ed ian bob _fay bob abe ed ian jon dan fred gav col hal _gay jon gav hal fred bob abe col ed dan ian _hope gav jon bob abe ian dan hal ed col fred _ivy ian col hal gav fred bob abe ed jon dan _jan ed hal gav abe bob jon col ian fred dan", "_")
       Set d_00 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
       Set d_01 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
       Set d_02 = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
       For j = 0 To UBound(sn)
          d_00(Split(sn(j))(0)) = ""
          d_01(Split(sp(j))(0)) = ""
          d_02(Split(sn(j))(0)) = sn(j)
          d_02(Split(sp(j))(0)) = sp(j)
         For Each it In d_00.keys
           If d_00.Item(it) = "" Then
             st = Split(d_02.Item(it))
             For jj = 1 To UBound(st)
               If d_01(st(jj)) = "" Then
                 d_00(st(0)) = st(0) & vbTab & st(jj)
                 d_01(st(jj)) = st(0)
                 Exit For
               ElseIf InStr(d_02.Item(st(jj)), " " & st(0) & " ") < InStr(d_02.Item(st(jj)), " " & d_01(st(jj)) & " ") Then
                 d_00(d_01(st(jj))) = ""
                 d_00(st(0)) = st(0) & vbTab & st(jj)
                 d_01(st(jj)) = st(0)
                 Exit For
               End If
           End If
       Loop Until UBound(Filter(d_00.items, vbTab)) = d_00.Count - 1
       MsgBox Join(d_00.items, vbLf)
    End Sub
    Last edited by snb; 08-12-2016 at 05:08 AM.

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