Hi Everybody.
I am new here, so please bear with me whilst I get a handle on how things work around here. I have just started a job which will involve considerable Excel usage, and I have already been set a task I can’t solve. Please could someone advise? I suspect it is very simple for all you gurus.
Attached is an example spreadsheet to illustrate the problem. Basically, I want to fill column D with either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ based on data in column C, for each country (column A). If there is a single ‘yes’ in column C, I want to populate all of column D with ‘yes’, per country. If there is no ‘yes’ in column C, then I want to populate all of column D with ‘no’, per country.
Does that make sense? Basically, if a country has a region (Column B) that is on the watch list, then I want to put that Country on the Watch list (column D).
Penny for you thoughts.