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Randomly generate dates of the current month and excludes weekends

  1. #1
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    Randomly generate dates of the current month and excludes weekends

    I am trying to create a form that randomly generate dates of the current month and excludes weekends.

    I tried to us “=RANDBETWEEN(DATE(2016, 08, 01),(DATE(2016, 08, 31))” this resolves the date range but I have to change the formula each month and it does not exclude weekends.

    I created a list of dates using the autofill option, selecting weekdays to remove weekend from my list but I can’t use the field location to substitute in the date field (DATE(2016, 08, 01).

    This method does not work because it involves modify this every month.

    I tried using “=WORKDAY(C2, 20, F2:F14)” which will exclude weekends and holidays I choose but I can’t seem to make random. I know I am close but…

    I have tried to include an attachment but When I select the attachment icon all I get is a small box.Capture.JPG
    Last edited by jaycee66; 08-02-2016 at 08:16 PM. Reason: Trying to add attachment

  2. #2
    Forum Guru MarvinP's Avatar
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    Re: Randomly generate dates of the current month and excludes weekends

    Hi Jaycee,

    You can do a Weekday() function and add a second parameter/argument. I chose 2 so Monday would come back as a 1. Then Saturday and Sunday would be day 6 and 7.
    The logic goes like this. Pick a random day in a month. Then do the Weekday( ,2) on it. If it is 1 to 5 then it is a weekday and don't change it. If it is Saturday (6) then subtract a random between 1 and 5 days. If it is a Sunday (7) then subtract a random between 2 and 6.

    I've created some helper columns in the attached and a double if statement to get those random "work" days. See if you can follow my formulas and make one of your own.

    Random Dates without weekends.xlsx
    Last edited by MarvinP; 08-02-2016 at 08:37 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Randomly generate dates of the current month and excludes weekends

    Thanks for the quick reply. I am checking this out and will get back with you



  4. #4
    Forum Guru Jonmo1's Avatar
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    Re: Randomly generate dates of the current month and excludes weekends



    A2 = Year
    B2 = Month
    E2:E20 = list of holiday dates.

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