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Auto populate calendar from list of events in 2 tables

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    Auto populate calendar from list of events in 2 tables

    Hi all,

    I'm a newbie to excel and I can't seem to find a solution to my problems - would greatly appreciate if anyone can provide solutions to them!

    I have 2 questions:

    1. On one sheet, I have a table of planned events with the title (column A) and the date (column B) and day (column C). For the same event, I have 2 dates (column B + C, and column D + E). I would like to create an automated table on another sheet that rearranges the information on the aforementioned table in chronological order. Is there a way to do this?

    2. From the list of events, I need to auto populate a monthly calendar. For this, I've tried using the attachment in post #4 in the following thread: but it seems the calendar is only applicable till 2015.

    Thanks in advance for any help!
    Last edited by blndsjy; 08-01-2016 at 10:03 PM.

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