I have an worksheet that I use for invoicing and quoting on sheet #2 that currently pulls information from a perpetually expanding inventory that I copy revisions onto on Sheet #1.
What I am looking for is a search box on Sheet #2 that would allow me to enter a key word (or preferably words) in search and produce an array of closest matching results from two cells (1) containing the description and (1) with the corresponding part number. My inventory is around 8k line items so I would prefer to return just the matches and not have to sort through highlights. Also I have a lot of hardware with closely matching descriptions so the option to "refine" my search would be great. Meaning if I can enter the terms [3/8"; Bolt; 2] and return a description result of [H-0001][ Bolt - 3/8" x 2"] I am okay if I would have (3) input boxes in that case to keep refining the search level. The search needs to be dynamic as I will constantly be adding more line items to sheet #1 and do not want to have to update the formula each time.
Here are my details:
Search box location:
Sheet 2 Q3 (R3 & R4 if multiple filtered) There is no data below these cells.
Inventory data:
Sheet 1 Column B is the description
Sheet 1 Column A is the part number
Thanks in advance for any help. I currently use the "find" and it takes forever to find things.