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Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

  1. #1
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    Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    I have a schedule of different events which occur throughout the year, over a number of years. Columns D through BD are the week numbers (1-52). The events are listed in Column C, and the year in Column A. A mock-up of this schedule is on Source sheet of the attached file.

    How can the schedule on the Target sheet of the attached file be populated from the Source sheet?

    What challenges me is that the year and event are on the same row with week numbers spread across the columns on the source schedule, but only one event is on a given row with year and week numbers spread across the columns on the target schedule.

    I've looked at 2-way lookup solutions (INDEX MATCH and VLOOKUP MATCH) and multi-condition vlookup, but these seem to depend on the criteria being on the same row.

    Note: I'm not sure I'm attaching the spreadsheet properly. The paperclip icon only opens/closes a narrow rectangle, and I'm not sure that Manage Attachments is attaching the file to this thread.
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  2. #2
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    Manage Attachments worked!

  3. #3
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    I think this is what you are after, but as you gave no expected results, I'm not entirely sure.

    In B6 of the target sheet, copied down and across for 2016:


    It's not clear how the other years will be dealt with, but you can change the source sheet reference for additional years.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    The desired result is to populate the Target sheet with which Events are happening in which Week of the corresponding Year based on the information in the Source sheet. See new attachment.

    Based on the sample schedule file I was provided I see there are 2 additional wrinkles:
    1. I replaced the 2's with 1's, because only 1 event at a time (Week) can occur in a given place.
    2. One exception is that Event 1 can occur in the same week at Place 1 and Place 2. To separate those, I'll take Event 1 at Place 1 and call it Event1a and rename Event 1 at Place 2 as Event1b.
    Please see the Target sheet in file Get Schedule 2.xlsx for desired results.

    Thank you!
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  5. #5
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    In B6


    Enter with Ctrl+shift+Enter

    Copy down and across

  6. #6
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    Splendid! Works like a charm and does exactly what's needed. Thank you, Mr. Topley!

    I will have to spend some time going through the formula so I understand how it works, but I do have one question: If there's no row for an event in a given year, the target cells are blank (which is perfect). If there IS a row, then the cells with no event for the week are populated with a '0' instead of being blank as I would expect from the empty quotes at the end. Of course, I can get rid of the 0's with a global replace, but any idea why the 0's? I'm thinking it's because the first part of the IFERROR is calculating a value and it's coming up with 0. Is that correct?

  7. #7
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    You can hide the 0s by formatting the cells as

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  8. #8
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    VERY smooth.
    I found http://www.exceltactics.com/definiti...formats-excel/ to be a helpful explanation.

    Thanks again!

  9. #9
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    Assuming it is, could you please mark the thread as solved ("Thread Tools" at top of first post").

    Thanks again.

  10. #10
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    Re: Transforming a Schedule -- A Different Kind of Multiple Criteria Lookup?

    Absolutely - done!

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