I have problem, I need a formula ROI, when I change month like 60 to 70 or etc the interest Rate calculate as per month changing, please check the screenshot.
Thanks in advance
I have problem, I need a formula ROI, when I change month like 60 to 70 or etc the interest Rate calculate as per month changing, please check the screenshot.
Thanks in advance
So, you will be looking to find the RATE associated for a fixed Pmt, when you change the TERM?
Are you looking to answer: "What rate do I need to get for a given loan term, if I have X dollars to spend on the loan each month"?
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when I change term for example 60 month to 70 month Rate will be increase as per term like 5 % to 6% .....
Seller takes a free and clear cash flowing rental property and sells it to an investor. The terms of the sale are the investor(buyer) puts 50% cash down on the property and seller then carries a seller financed note for the balance of the purchase price (example selling price 46,631.82 buyer puts down 23,315.91 seller carries a note for 23,315.91. Want to show optimal sales price with the best possible ROI.
Data Point Manipulation;
When the seller increases the term (i.e. 60 months to 72 months) then the interest rate MUST increase by one percentage point (5% to 6% etc.)
Right, but that's more of a math problem than an excel problem. Can you post an example sheet? I have something to try in mind.
I have attached excel file please check.
any expert here for help me?
Ok. When I put in 70, your Note Amount changes to 26,667.14 - do you want that value to NOT change?
Here's why I'm confused:
If I change Term to 70, leave monthly payment at 440, and change interest rate to 9.9168% - I get a Note Amount of 23,315.92 (same as the Down). I don't see where the 6% comes in.
no problem in note amount, I only need formula in INt Rate, that should be change according to Term
I told 6% is an example.
Ok, so in that scenario, was the number 9.9168% what you are after? Is that what you wanted to get?
If my guess was wrong - what are you trying to do? Please provide a specific correct example of the 'right' answer.
Please answer my previous question.
Sir, in Simple words I only need formula in Int Rate, formula reflect from Term, when we change term the interest rate will change as per term
I'm not sure I understand any better than GeneralDissarray. Are you looking for the RATE() function? https://support.office.com/en-us/art...0-83fc59e748ce
If so, I would suggest you become familiar with all of the built in functions related to Present value type problems, as there is a built in function for each quantity in the present value equation.
Originally Posted by shg
I don't know what you are after - I've passed your question off to another posting for further help.
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