Hi there,
I have a complicated equation which I'd like to avoid duplicating it in my formula. However the only way I have been able to achieve what I need is to write the entire formula like this:
= If ( someBigEquation=0, "", someBigEquation)
More specifically, here is my formula:
=IF(SUMIFS(RESULT[RaceTime],RESULT[Gala],P$12, RESULT[Event],$C13, RESULT[SwimmerName],$D$8)=0,"",
SUMIFS(RESULT[RaceTime],RESULT[Gala],P$12, RESULT[Event],$C13, RESULT[SwimmerName],$D$8))
In Excel 2016 I could use the function IFS() however I only have Excel 2013.
Is there a way to retain the functionality of my formula without having to repeat the someBigEquation?
Thanks in advance,