We keep a spreadsheet at work to monitor our staffs health and safety training.

Each staff member has a column listing the dates they've completed training.

Topic Provider Priority Expiry Staff Name Date
First Aid St. John Ambulance 2 1095 Richard 12-Jun-2015
WHMIS Elearn 1 365 Richard 1-Jan-2014
Office Safety Awareness Elearn 1 365 Richard 2-Jul-2016

At the bottom of each persons column, I would like to calculate the number of dates that have not yet expired.

Not all dates expire in the same amount of time, some are 365 days, 730, 1095, and 1430.

I started with a basic countif formula;

=COUNTIF(G14:G116,"<365" &TODAY())

But that will only help if the dates expire in 365 Days, and are consecutive in the column (which they're not)

How can I extend this formula to include all the criteria I need?