excel 2013 Vlook up used with trim also , not working, any idea,
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(D6),'Account Detail.xlsx'!$A$3:$F$278,6,FALSE),"")
can some one please help, what's wrong with formula, I use Vlook up all the time,
thanks in advance
excel 2013 Vlook up used with trim also , not working, any idea,
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(TRIM(D6),'Account Detail.xlsx'!$A$3:$F$278,6,FALSE),"")
can some one please help, what's wrong with formula, I use Vlook up all the time,
thanks in advance
Nothing wrong with the 'syntax' of the formula.
It looks to find a match to D6 (after being Trimmed) within column A of Account Detail.
If a match is found, returns a value from column F of Account Detail
If there is no match, it returns ""
In what way is it not working for you?
Do you get an error? What error?
Do you get the wrong result, what result DO you get?
I would guess it's just returning ""
Try removing the Iferror part, what is the actual error?
Can you attach a sample book ?
when I do V Lookup not getting any result , se attaché the File
Variance Analysis Cost tabs, Column H has V look up Formula wants link the Voucher from Account detail 2 Column F
why I am getting any result
please help
You have a few problems here,
Why bother with the Trim function on C6 ?
You need to lock the ranges in the formula with the $ so they don't change as you drag the formula down.
Vlookup can't do the task, because it appears your matching values are in column F, and you want to return a value from column A
Vlookup can't do that, it can only find match in A and return value from F.
=IFERROR(INDEX('Account Detail (2)'!$A$3:$A$6,MATCH(C6,'Account Detail (2)'!$F$3:$F$6,0)),"")
Or with modified VLOOKUP
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when I tried with both formula its giving me G.L Acct on H column on Variance Cost tab;
I want to return the Voucher with voucher with V look up on H column
Change A range to F
=IFERROR(INDEX('Account Detail (2)'!$F$3:$f$6,MATCH(C6,'Account Detail (2)'!$F$3:$F$6,0)),"")
Last edited by JohnTopley; 06-20-2016 at 03:06 PM.
hi John
I added this formula , still not matching Voucher to Voucher
please see attached the file,
what I am doing wrong, can some one please look at the file
really appreciate it
Aren't we matching against account detail ...
=IFERROR(INDEX('Account Detail (2)'!$F$3:$F$6,MATCH('Variance Analysis Cost'!C6,'Account Detail (2)'!$F$3:$F$6,0)),"")
wants to do V look up Variance tab Column C Voucher
Account detail Tab Column F Voucher
add formula on Variance tab on H column to bring the Voucher # from Account detail tab
that's the formula not working with V look up
please help
Take a deep breath, step back, relax.
Can you explain in words (not by showing us a formula that doesn't work) What do you want the formula to actually do.
That's what the above does!!!! put in H6 and copy down.
Try it now
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Last edited by AlKey; 06-20-2016 at 04:05 PM.
thanks every one, its worked,
yesterday must be typing wrong formula,
thanks again for all your help
you guys are great !!!!!!!
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