Hope all is well. I'm trying to calculate a simple tiered commission formula.
If the multiple:
Less than 4.0x = no fee
Between 4.0x - 5.0x = 5% of the sale price on this portion
Between 5.0x - 6.0x = 7.5% of the sale price additional on this portion
Above 6.0x = 10.0% of the sale price additional on this portion
For clarity, if we assume the multiple achieved was say 5.4x, and the sale price was $1.2 million, the fee would then be 1.0 times sale price ($1.2M) times 5% or $60,000 plus 0.4x sale price times 7.5% or $36,000 for a total bonus of $96,000.
Any help would greatly be appreciated.