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Rolling year and attendance tracking ideas

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    Rolling year and attendance tracking ideas

    I have created a workbook for each one of my reps and our attendance policy has changed. We are now counting occurrences for tardies and absences separately. Currently I have 1 column that tracks occurrences that I do manually (column X beginning at row 95). Every 3 LT, LL and/or LB's = 1 occurrence. Now we are doing absences (codes UA, SKUP and NC/NS). Absences are 1 occurrence per individual day and 1 occurrence for consecutive days. Example rep A is out Mon-Tues and Wed that = 1 occurrence. The absences are tracked on a rolling year going back a year from today. The tardies are being tracked on a rolling year but from 04/01/2016. I am trying to work in a formula either in the same column or I may have to create a separate column to track from a rolling year? I also want to keep the workbook aesthetically pleasing...any ideas? I have attached the workbook. Please feel free to play in it and send me your thoughts.
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    Last edited by Mrs_AKD; 06-10-2016 at 01:18 PM.

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