I don't think your choice in calendar is ideal. If you're trying to implant relevant text into the actual calendar, having each calendar date equate to exactly one cell makes populating the cell with both the formula for the date and the formula for the text (if any) awkward, at best. I would advise sifting through Excel's templates for something that fits better. There are calendars specifically designed for this kind of thing that I couldn't track down, but even a basic family calendar can be combined with your "Calculator" page and some INDEX/MATCH formulas to do the trick. I threw together a quick sample to show what I mean. I input the necessary formulas into the sheet for 'May' so you can see how it looks. You can copy that setup into the other months. Again, though, it'd probably be worth your time to peruse the free templates that already exist. Easier options exist out there.
(I had to delete every month except Jan and May to get the file size down to a level that I could upload, but the entire calendar is available as a template)