Reattached file with pivot table and helper
Reattached file with pivot table and helper
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Sorry if I did not explained it well. Anyway, This works! Thanks!
but with this so much volume of data and still counting, Is it possible to not have a helper? the actual file of the raw data is in separate excel file (should not be edited for some reason) from the formula for counting rain days summary.
Hi humdingaling,
This is counting the raindays correctly but I can't see the reference date to count. how can I choose what year, month, or week to summarize rain days? for example @ K6 for week 1, 2015 rain days. K6=SUMPRODUCT(--(YEAR($A$3:$A$24291)=2015)*($D$3:$D$24291="Y")*(($E$3:$E$24291)=ROW(A1)))
what is A1? and I cant see the wk 1, 2015 cell reference in the formula
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