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formula for show customer address

  1. #1
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    formula for show customer address

    Rispected shukla.ankur281190
    than i am choose customer name in L4 column than L6 column show street address & City, L8 column show state & pincode, L10 column show phone no.
    than templete-retail invoice sheet D9 Column Show customer name, D10 Column show street address & distt, D11 Column show state & Pincode, D12 column show Phone No

    please correction in these formulla sir i am send the formulla sir in Templete-Retail invoice sheet sir
    1.=IF(ISBLANK(INDEX('Sales Customer'!C:C,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))),"",INDEX('Sales Customer'!C:C,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0)))
    2=IF(ISERROR(MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0)),"",IF(INDEX('Sales Customer'!D:D,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))="","",INDEX('Sales Customer'!D:D,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))&", "&INDEX('Sales Customer'!E:E,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))))
    3=IF(ISERROR(MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0)),"",IF(INDEX('Sales Customer'!F:F,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))="","",INDEX('Sales Customer'!F:F,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))&", "&INDEX('Sales Customer'!G:G,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))))
    4=IF(ISBLANK(INDEX('Sales Customer'!H:H,MATCH(('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0))),"",INDEX('Sales Customer'!H:H,MATCH('Sales Invoice'!$L$4:$O$4,'Sales Customer'!C:C,0)))

    Sorry for reposet the question sir thanking you sir

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    Re: formula for show customer address

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    Last edited by jason.b75; 05-19-2016 at 10:54 AM.

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    Re: formula for show customer address

    Your previous thread was locked for cross posting, as you have still not provided links to your cross posts, this thread will also be flagged as such.

    Your post does not comply with Rule 8 of our Forum RULES. Do not crosspost your question on multiple forums without including links here to the other threads on other forums.

    Cross-posting is when you post the same question in other forums on the web. The last thing you want to do is waste people's time working on an issue you have already resolved elsewhere. We prefer that you not cross-post at all, but if you do (and it's unlikely to go unnoticed), you MUST provide a link (copy the url from the address bar in your browser) to the cross-post.

    Expect cross-posted questions without a link to be closed and a message will be posted by the moderator explaining why. We are here to help so help us to help you!

    Read this to understand why we ask you to do this, and then please edit your first post to include links to any and all cross-posts in any other forums (not just this site).

    ** previous post edited to remove request that op continue in original thread, didn't notice that zbor had locked it. **

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