Sorry for the confusing title, not best sure how to title it! I have attached an example spread sheet to help you see what I mean. We invoice our providers 4 weekly, so 13 periods every financial year (Apr - Mar). Obviously that doesn't work out perfectly days wise per period, and the first and last period differs by a few days. What I need to work out is how many days per a week each period contains (the period dates are on sheet two, and are picked up on sheet 1 (4 weekly service user schedule) by entering the payment period in cell E4 on sheet 1). This sounds simple (i.e. =(B17-A17)+1), but for April, the week starts on Friday 1st (all the other periods start on a Monday) and all the period end dates fall on a Sunday. For period 13 the first 4 weeks will be 7 days, but the last week will be 5 days. So I need a formula that will look at the dates, and tell me how many days are in the first week (Monday to Sunday), then second, so on and so forth. So, ideally I would be looking at something like this as a result:
Period 1:
Week 1 (starts 1/4/16) - 3 days
Week 2 (starts 4/4/16) - 7 days
Week 3 (starts 11/4/16) - 7 days
Week 4 (starts 18/4/16) - 7 days
Week 5 (starts 25/4/16) - 6 days
This then feeds back to sheet 1 (4 weekly service user spread sheet) to cells A65:B95. This will probably help you to understand why I need it in this format! I need this to update automatically, depending on the period number, which is entered in sheet 1, cell E4 (drop down).
Any questions, please ask!
Thanks in advance,