Hi all,

I have a workbook where I have information categorized in several sheets.
Lets say they're named Red, Blue, Green, Yellow.

In each sheet I have a row that has data identified by date.
For example, Red Sheet has this data:
5/12/16 X-wing
2/12/16 TIE Fighter
4/12/16 Y-wing
1/12/16 Star Destroyer
2/11/16 Mon Calamari Cruiser

Now, the first sheet in the workbook is named Calendar.
It is organized like this:

Jan Days | January
Week 1 | (blank row)
Week 2 | (blank row)
Week 3 | (blank row)
Week 4 | (blank row)

Feb Days | February
Week 1 | (blank row)
Week 2 | (blank row)
Week 3 | (blank row)
Week 4 | (blank row)

(and so forth) The Days/Weeks are actually rows/columns that make up a mini calendar w/the days/dates. I want to automatically copy from each sheet (Red, Blue, Green & Yellow) the data row with a date into the Calendar sheet under the appropriate month in date order.
For example:

Jan Days | January
Week 1 | 1/12/16 Star Destroyer
Week 2 | (blank row)
Week 3 | (blank row)
Week 4 | (blank row)

Feb Days | February
Week 1 | 2/11/16 Mon Calamari Cruiser
Week 2 | 2/12/16 TIE Fighter
Week 3 | (blank row)
Week 4 | (blank row)

I've played with VLOOKUP, INDEX, IF's, MONTH, and some VBA code. I'm not getting it to work, so wonder if one of you can possibly help me out?

Sample spreadsheet here via Dropbox
I'd be fine with a button on 'January' that I'd have to click to run the function.

Many thanks in advance!