I have 3 cells in Sheet2 (Cells B57:B59) which contain names of people who need to be trained. These names are mirrored in the following locations:
Sheet 4 (Cells B39:B41),
Sheet 5 (Cells B36:B38),
Sheet 6 (Cells B37:B39),
Sheet 9 (Cells A25:A27)
Sheet 11 (Cells B22:B24),
Sheet 12 (Cells B36:B38),
Sheet 13 (Cells B36:B38),
Sheet 14 (Cells B22:B24),
Sheet 15 (Cells B19:B21),
Currently, I just use "=" and then find the target cell (from Sheet2), which is good if the names don't change. However, the names may need to be changed with manual input as sometimes they can't make the training, different people turn up etc.
Is it possible to have some code or formula that allows manual editing of one of those cells above and then mirrors the change across all of those worksheets?
For example, changing the name in Sheet 13 Cell B36, will change Sheet2 B57, Sheet4 B39, Sheet5 B36, Sheet6 B37, Sheet9 A25, Sheet11 B22, Sheet12 B36, Sheet14 B22 and Sheet 15 B19 automatically?
Many thanks with any help with this.