Hey guys, I'm using the Linest function, looking something like this: =LINEST(B98:B133,NQ98:NT133,TRUE). So, excel performs a straight-line regression, with known y's in B98:B133 and known y's in NQ98:NT133. Note that I include an intercept (aka constant or alpha), hence the 'TRUE', and that I have 4 variables (in column NQ, NR, NS and NT). I press CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER, and presto, in the first four cells my regression factors are returned, and my intercept is returned in the fifth cell. So far so good.
Problem is, I'm only interested in the intercept, thus, the fifth cell. Just ignore the first four you might say, but I've got a huge matrix of data, so I want to autofill this formula both down as right. Especially autofilling to the right will give me problems. So in my formula bar, I need to add something so that only my fifth value of the array is returned. An alternative is a formula that "mirrors" my array, so that the fifth return becomes the first, the fourth becomes the second etc.
Anyone any thoughts on this? Thanks!