Hi there,
Thanks in advance for your help. I am creating what is becoming a rather complex workbook and need help!
I have one sheet which contains all raw data. A3-A1002 contains names and then B3:ZZ1002 contains corresponding information. I then have a second sheet which contains a summary sheet. There is a drop down in A1 of the summary, from which you select the person the form is for from A:A in Raw Data, and when selected, each cell in the form is populated using the corresponding information from B:ZZ in the Raw Data sheet for that particular person.
One of these form fields, I require the earliest date from columns BL:BV (64-74) however I am struggling to get a positive result with my formula (returns #VALUE!)
=IFERROR(IF(VLOOKUP($A$1,'Raw Data'!A:ZZ,MIN(64:74),FALSE)="","",VLOOKUP($A$1,'Raw Data'!A:ZZ,MIN(64:74),FALSE)),"")
So to recap, A1 is the name of the person to be looking up in Raw Data and then I want to return the earliest date contained within the corresponding row's BL:BV fields.
All help is appreciated!![]()