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Start and End Times for Both Regular and Overtime Hours from General Hours Worked?

  1. #1
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    Start and End Times for Both Regular and Overtime Hours from General Hours Worked?

    Hi All,

    Our client is a medical professional who essentially got screwed (and VERY overworked) by his employer. I need to know how to draw out overtime start and end times, as well as the regular hour start and end times, from the total times worked for each day he recorded his general hours. Basically pay schedule is tiered like so:

    (A) Weekday regular hours: 7am-3pm (8 hr total)
    (B) Weekdays on call [overtime hours]: 3pm-7am (16 hr total)
    (C) Some weekends on call [overtime hours]: 7am (Sat.) - 7am (Mon.)

    He is also entitled to payment on the weekends as set out in (C), but I can handle that manually if need be. I just really need help setting up a formula to parse out start and end times of (A) and (B) from the generalized hours he gave us in the spreadsheet.

    Very much obliged,

    Frustrated Law Clerk
    Last edited by Lawclerk; 04-23-2016 at 01:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: 16 Hour Night Differential Calculation

    how is the data setout
    perhaps a sample

    you can use a weekday() to identify the weekend and monday

    that will tell you its a weekend

    then you can add some times in and using an
    IF , OR , AND
    and then you could have a column with a 1 to show the overtime

    but how about
    Please upload a small clean sample of your data / workbook (not a picture) to the forum, Make sure you have removed any private information, remember this is a public forum and so available to anyone
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  3. #3
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    Re: 16 Hour Night Differential Calculation

    Okay, so line 6 contains a sample of how I want the information to come out. I will limit the scope of my question to weekday regular hours and overtime.

    1. "E column" and "F column" (start and end regular shift hours) should be derived from "C and D column" (start shift and end shift), and should consist of the start and end time of hours worked other than the overtime hours of 3 pm - 7 am on weekdays.

    2. "H column" and "I column" (O/T start and O/T end) also should be derived from "C and D column" (start and end shift) and should consist of the start and end times of overtime hours of 3 pm - 7 am on weekdays.

    I'm pretty sure I can wing the rest. If you think I'm royally off track then by all means do comment. I just don't want anyone to have to dedicate too much time to this.

    Many, many thanks in advance.

    -Frustrated LawClerk
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    Last edited by Lawclerk; 04-23-2016 at 12:29 AM.

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Start and End Times for Both Regular and Overtime Hours from General Hours Worked?

    Thread is opened in Commercial Serives.
    Never use Merged Cells in Excel

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