Hi All
I was wondering whether someone can help me with the following problem
I have a powerpivot and have created three measure using RANKX. These measures are called Rank1, Rank2 and Rank3. In these measure if cells are blank the rank will return a blank row i.e. it doesn't count it in the ranking.
What I need to do is crate another measure to add (Rank1 + Rank2 + Rank3) /3 but this measure doesn't seem to work of rows in Rank1 2 or 3 contain a blank, It returns a wrong value
What I want is a DAX measure to calculate Sum of (Rank1,2 and 3)/3 in table Employees and if any of the have a Blank, then ignores them i.e. if rank1 = Blank, Rank2=2 and Rank3=3 then it will just add (2+3)/2 and ignore rank1. but if rank1=2, rank2=3 and rank3=4 then the formula should be(2+3+4)/3, in other words I want to find the average of Rank1,2 and 3 and ignoring the blank cells.
I hope this makes sense, I've tried everything and I can seem to get a right answer.
any help is appreciate it