Hello Excel Forum,

I have been having an issue with the excel DEC2HEX/HEX2DEC formula. I believe my issue is that my end number is too long. For example- I need to translate a big list of HEX numbers (i.e. A10000219A23D2) to DEC (i.e. 45317471814165458). When I use the formula "=HEX2DEC(A1)" - it doesn't do anything. It just shows the formula (see attached image).

I have done the general googling and what I could find was that my end number is too large. Is it possible to input a 14 digit HEX number to produce the 17 digit DEC number?

I am able to do the translation via the calculator using the programmer funtions. However, I have to translate over 1000 hex numbers....that will take forever using the calculator!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!


hex to dec.PNG