For a report I run where I am looking for missing/inaccurate information entered into our database, I have a column that has “Decision”. There are two additional columns that affect whether or not there should be a date in this column. If the text in the cell of the specific row under the "Method" column is either “Paper” or “Online” AND if the text in the cell of the same row under the "Status" column is either “Approved” or “Active” AND the date in the cell of the same row under the "Decision" column is blank, the cell should be highlighted. I think the formula needs to be something like this: if (column A has either “Paper” OR “Online”) AND (if column B has either “Approved” or “Active” status) AND (if column C is blank), then it highlights the cell.
I tried this and it’s not working:
=AND(OR($AB2="Paper Contracting",$AB2="Online Contracting"),OR($S2="Approved",$S2="Active with Application"),$V2="")
Please help!